Sunday, December 25, 2016


In this summer I have a god plans – I suppose… - 

In this moment I'm recovering from a big injury, last August, I had a broken coccyx…
Yes I know, it’s a relly big injury in a dancer life, but everything makes us more stronger,or not? :)
In this moment I'm just getting back to dance, and my body is not yet fully recovered, 
so going on a great trip and demanding my body a lot of effort is not a good option,
 why is i decided to stay in Santiago and work…
I know, it don’t sound like a greaaaat plan, but it is for me, and the details make for a better plan.

I try to work as a receptionist in a yoga center, this would allow me to practice yoga too, 
and this is a perfect combination, because I will receive money, and I will also put my body in
 motion and this can continue to recover, and the best! Without paying for this.  Oh! Forget to mention 
that I do not have any money at the moment, which is a very bad situation to plan any type of trip… jajaja.
In this plan of work I intend to have only a few days of shifts to work, and so the rest of the days
 of the week can travel to some nearby destination, or just be quiet with friends and rest in 
my house and make plans with who I want. The nearby destination what i have in mind are,
 quebrada de Macul, cajón del maipo, some place of fifth región, and maybe I can scape me
 to near place of south. 

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