Monday, December 26, 2016

Hello guys!
Today the topic is movies and series!

In general, I always feel a little slope whit the theme “cinema”, I like very much to see movies, but I never given myself the time to see all that I would like. In recent years I discover a director of cinema, call Hayao Miyazaki, I have loved their movies. I have seen El castillo Ambulante, La princesa mononoke, El viaje de Chihiro, Mi vecino Totoro, and others. In relation to the series, in this moment I remember three series that marked me, “Avatar, the last airbender”, “Black Mirror”, and “The get Down”. Three toootally different series! But all have a lot to do with a part of my personality.

 I love Avatar, because the characters are very well made, I think their poetics is very beautifull, and their spirituality so loving, moves me, also is so funny.
On the other side, Black Mirror is a much darker serie, where it shows reality in a very crude and exaggerated way, what allows you to see, many things of your daily life, maybe you are not perceiving, and are much more dangerous than you think.
 And finally, The Get Down, thiss is a recent serie, original of netflix, in this series tells the story of hip hop and Rap, in seventies, in Bronx. Here is show how the young people did what they did, because it was their way of saying here we are, we exist. When I first saw this, I loved immediately, The energy, the rhythm and the intense history captivates me in that moment!

Sunday, December 25, 2016


In this summer I have a god plans – I suppose… - 

In this moment I'm recovering from a big injury, last August, I had a broken coccyx…
Yes I know, it’s a relly big injury in a dancer life, but everything makes us more stronger,or not? :)
In this moment I'm just getting back to dance, and my body is not yet fully recovered, 
so going on a great trip and demanding my body a lot of effort is not a good option,
 why is i decided to stay in Santiago and work…
I know, it don’t sound like a greaaaat plan, but it is for me, and the details make for a better plan.

I try to work as a receptionist in a yoga center, this would allow me to practice yoga too, 
and this is a perfect combination, because I will receive money, and I will also put my body in
 motion and this can continue to recover, and the best! Without paying for this.  Oh! Forget to mention 
that I do not have any money at the moment, which is a very bad situation to plan any type of trip… jajaja.
In this plan of work I intend to have only a few days of shifts to work, and so the rest of the days
 of the week can travel to some nearby destination, or just be quiet with friends and rest in 
my house and make plans with who I want. The nearby destination what i have in mind are,
 quebrada de Macul, cajón del maipo, some place of fifth región, and maybe I can scape me
 to near place of south. 
Postgraduates Studies (and more dreams...)

Hi, I'm going to talk about the possible postgraduate courses that I would like to study,
but first, I have tell what I study today. My carreer’s name is “Licenciatura en Artes, mención en Danza”, so I really interest in Arts postgraduate courses.
 Honestly, when I think about my possibilities to continue my carreer, I think in many options,so different areas, and that could take my career in different ways, like, dancer, teacher, performer, theorist, etc.
I would like be a dancer in a company in a near future and after I would like to be a god teacher whitmany interesenting tools, is why the courses that I would take are related to this.
I would love take a baccalaureate in dance in some country in Europe, like, Holanda, Francia or Italy, especially in Holand, because I like very much some companys of dance in this country, but I don’t know a particular place to study a baccalaureate of dance there. Is why another very interesting option for me is to do some course as an apprentice in some important company in countries like what i mentioned before.And a dream that I do not mention because I think it is very difficult, but if I could do it obviously I would, it would be apprentice in the company batsheva, taking classes with the choreographer Ohad Naharin, “Mr. Gaga”.

And finally something more real and that I intend to do in one or two years, is to take part time classes in many studios and dance companies, while I work in those countries and I allow myself to pay for those classes

A country I'd like to visit  (?)

Mmm well, when i think in which country i’d like visit, no country go to my head immediately, this is dificult cuestions for me, I always say that I want to travel and know a lot, but in relation to a particular country that wants to know a lot, i dont know. Maybe is my own country… Chile is a big and large country, and i think that i know a very litle part this large stripe of earth.

I know Chile have many climates and ecosistem, like, the desert, patagonia, forest, subtropical, coast, etc.I know a little bit the desert, i know a lot of forest and lakesof the south of chile and some parts of the coast in the northand south, and i know nothing of Patagonia and subtropical climate. In Patagonia i would love know Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas, and the glaciers that remain in that territory.And to know the subtropical climate of Chile i have to know Isla de Pascua, obviously.Today i dont know in what part of chile, would like be live in future, when i work, or continue studying,that is why I would like to know much more than i know.

Monday, December 12, 2016

The best holidays

My best holidays were this last summer, whit my boyfriend at that time, in January of this year, i went to Peru, we went to many citys and places of South and coast of Peru, we met nice places like Mancora, Punta sal, Caleta tumbes and others citys in the coast, and in the south, Tacna, Arequipa, Cuzco, Machupichu, Santa Maria and others… We were a month traveling trough many places, all of them very beautifull. In Tacna we met 2 chileans, Omar and Daniel, and traveling whith them during two weeks. One of the most beautiful places I've ever met, is machupichu, it is wonderful to be there, even if one tries to imagine it, it is impossible, nature, magnificent, gigantic and beautiful, it is a experience that I have not lived again. After than Machupichu we separeted  of them, and just in that place we met to Rufo and Celia, two spanish travelers, who had been traveling for months in South America. Your company was very grateful, also helped us to save as we traveled together in their “combi”.

This trip was very important in my life, we traveled for many weeks, we met very ancient cities and cultures, touring very beautiful archeological sites and interesting museums. And also when we were in the coast of Peru, it was very relaxing and we rested after everything we had been traveling. 

My Future Job

In the future i would like travel a lot, and know many places,and many cultures. In this plan i would like to be very passionate with what is going on in the travel and with people and places that i know. In this travel i would love know many interesting people, related to the dance, arts, and other travellers, to exchange information and experiencies about places that i know and not. I would like take dance class and kown many dance company and Arts company. Because one of my big dream is belong to a company of dance and work in this many years, in more than one company maybe, actually i would like know many ways to work like a performer.   
In relation to the salary, i dont really konw how much a dancer or interpreter  receives in a Company, but my expectations would be to have a good salary, which would allow me keep calm, with the home, the food, and what is needs.

I hope the trip happens one day, and what happens with what happens..