Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hello every one! This is the last post in the english class! and today i’m going to write about my future plans improving my English.
Well, learn english is some difficult to me, i don’t know why, the truth is I think very interesting learn other languages, but when I talk in english I feel so much nervious that I forget everything I know about this.
When I listen and read in English it's different. Ok, I do not understand everything, but it's easier than when I talk. I think I'm very embarrassing and I'm afraid to be wrong, which is quite ridiculous, because after the error there is always learning…

My experience learning English at university has allowed me to have a little more confidence in that aspect. I know it's still difficult for me, but at least it's the first step :) It has also helped me improve grammatical aspects that I had forgotten since I was in high school and to better understand this language.

The blog’s experience has been good too. It was hard to have the urge to write on occasion, but I really like write of different topics and have the opportunity to do it in here. 

Well, I hope finish with the English classes in the University this semester, but I want keep learning after. For my English learning is very important, since it is in my next plans to travel, and dancing outside of chile, it is still an important challenge, but I hope to continue learning

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Hello guys!

Today i will gossip about university!
Before i enter to university i think many things about dance estudies, many things diferents to i think know....
Well... is dificult to me talk about this topic, i think in many ocations, but to start judging is hard jajaja 

There are postive things about the university, but there are many things could be changed radically.
In relation to curriculum, i  think that I would make more find the students, to know their opinion about the programs and their experiences, would also include in the curriculum the idea of having classes with dancers who are in the current scene, dancing.

On the other hand the infrastructure of our faculty is quite deficient, I think that improving this could greatly to  the development of our career, in addition, is important for the university have more economic skills to have materials and spaces that help our training as dancers, I think this is Important and fundamental for a dance school

On the other hand i'm not sure what i think about the methods at the time of teaching, I think it's always important to have different visions, although some look better than others. But at times I feel that some professors make great mistakes when dealing with us.
Evaluations in the arts will always be very subjective, so the proposals in relation to evaluating a process is god idea for me, I think well, and there i enter a conflict haha because i believe that any process can look back and see what happens in the results ... So i also agree with those final evaluations, it's weird... but I think that in that place you have to keep an eye too.

In general I think it can always be improved, and I hope that as a career we work for this!

Hello guys!

I think that there are many places where I would like to live. Some of those places i already know and others not yet,because there are many countries and cities in the world to discover. Today i'll talk about one place that came to my head immediately, this place is Valdivia.
Two years ago, i went to Valdivia with a very good friend, Maite, this trip was beautiful, I was amazed by the south of our country, and I fell in love with this city, its calm, its beautiful, the nature, the kindness of the people, the weather is nice, its a Little cold, but i’m used to that, because i  was born in the south, in Chillán. The wind is exquisit and there's sun too.

In relation to my work as a dancer, Valdivia is a very good option, because in a five last years, this city has become the epicenter of dance in the south of our country, the municipal theatre has a contemporary ballet, and in there and another litle companies or academys i can teach, and do workshops, and other things like a dancer.

Actually i would like live in there in some years, because in my near future, i hope travel for many citys in Europa and latinoamerica ... and live in there woul be a god plan to me, after that, maybe whit my couple and family, well... if i ever get one

Friday, January 13, 2017


Today's topic is about birds
I like birds a lot, in fact every time I listen  birds, they make me feel very happy, calm, and quiet.

 I think that gives me some nature in the middle of this city, reminds me of my house, the south and chillán. 

When I hear birds singing is because there are trees and nature nearby, that is nice and positive to me.
All birds are very beautifull, i think that i have a relationship of peace and admiration  for them.

Also when I think of birds, one of the first things that comes to my head is the memory of my grandfather, he hunted partridges, and I remember that once he was with him, he went out with his retriever, who helped him to look for partridges. The dog walked a lot and when I found the partridges, it was quiet, and then ran.
 Maybe the word hunt sounds a little strong in relation to birds, but it is a nice family remembrance, my grandfather and my family was from the field and this was never look like a sport or Simple entertainment whit the birds, simply something incorporated in their upbringing and familiar routine, and the whole family ate this.

...Forgetting a little the word hunting, in definitely the birds are beautiful, majestic, beautiful, singers, and awaken in me a very beautiful and naive sensibility. 

And remember! when you walk again in the streets in early morning or the night, pay attention to the trees, because more than a little bird will be telling you something.

See you!